Michael Ekstrand wrote:
> On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 05:08:24PM +0000, Mark Harrison wrote:
>>Is there a way to get rid of those the "self." references, or is this
>>just something I need to get my brain to accept?
> It's pretty much just something you'll need to get your brain to accept.
> You can replace self with something shorter, like s, but that's sure to
> cause mass confusion for other people who try to read your code.
> I, however, find that the self. references are a great benefit to
> readability, as it makes the scope of a variable quite easy to tell.  A
> lot of my C++ code is littered with `this->' or similar
> explicit-scope-description things...
> - Michael

This fits perfectly with "Explicit is better than implicit."

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