Eric wrote:
> I have a string...
> str = "tyrtrbd =ffgtyuf == =tyryr =u=p ttttff"
> I want to replace the characters after each '=', what I ended up doing is
> somthing like this...
> buf = list(str)
> newchr = '#'
> count = 0
> for i in range(len(buf)):
>   if buf[count] == '=':
>     buf[count + 1] = newchr
>     count = count + 1
>   else:
>     count = count + 1
> newstr = ''.join(buf)

So you want to turn "tyrtrbd =ffgtyuf == =tyryr =u=p ttttff" into
"tyrtrbd =#fgtyuf =# =#yryr =#=# ttttff"?

I'd probably end up writing it like you have (except the else is
redundant -- just end the test block and increment your counter in any case)

> Is there a better, faster way of doing it? Using somthing like
> str.index() dosn't work because...
> str = "hello world"

You don't want to use str as a variable name -- it shadows the str()

>>> x = 1
>>> str(x)
>>> str = "spam"
>>> str(x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

> for i in str:
>   print str.index(i)
> Every 'e' in "hello world" has the same index value. Am i missing somthing?

Because `"hello".index("l")` returns the first place "l" appears in
"hello". It's always going to be 2.


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