Ken Tilton wrote:
> Come on, try just one meaty Common Lisp project at Google. Have someone 
> port Cells to Python. I got halfway done but decided I would rather be 
> doing Lisp. uh-oh. Does Python have anything like special variables? :)

Omigod. I scare myself sometimes. This would be a great Summer of Code 
project. Port Cells (see sig) to Python. Trust me, this is Silver Bullet 
stuff. (Brooks was wrong on that.)

If a strong Pythonista wants to submit a proposal, er, move fast. I am 
mentoring through LispNYC:

Gotta be all over Python metaclasses, and everything else pure Python. 
PyGtk would be a good idea for the demo, which will involve a GUI mini 
app. Just gotta be able to /read/ Common Lisp.



"Have you ever been in a relationship?"
    Attorney for Mary Winkler, confessed killer of her
    minister husband, when asked if the couple had
    marital problems.

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