Dave Hansen wrote:

> On Wed, 10 May 2006 06:44:27 GMT in comp.lang.python, Edward Elliott
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Would I recommend perl for readable, maintainable code?  No, not
> > when better options like Python are available.  But it can be done
> > with some effort.
> I'm reminded of a comment made a few years ago by John Levine,
> moderator of comp.compilers.  He said something like "It's clearly
> possible to write good code in C++.  It's just that no one does."

Reminds me of the quote that used to appear on the front page of the
ViewCVS project (seems to have gone now that they've moved and renamed
themselves to ViewVC). Can't recall the attribution off the top of my

"[Perl] combines the power of C with the readability of PostScript"

Scathing ... but very funny :-)




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