I am trying to get the flux of a star in an image. I have been using numpy 
and pyfits and have the code.

def distance(im,xc,yc):
    (rows,cols) = im.shape
    dist = zeros([rows,cols]).astype(Float64)
    for row in range(rows):
        for col in range(cols):
            dist[row,col] = sqrt(((row + 0.5) - yc)**2 + ((col + 0.5) - xc)**2)
    return dist

def apphot(im,x,y,r):
    dist = distance(im,x,y)
    appmask = where(dist <= r,1,0)
    fluxim = where(appmask,im,0)
    appflux = sum(sum(fluxim))
    skymask = where(dist > r, 1,0)
    skyim = where(skymask,im,0)
    sky = mean(skyim)
    print skyim
    print sky
    return 1

> array (20,20) , type = f, has 400 elements
> [ 45.89742126, 45.92555847, 45.8874054 , 45.88538208, 45.88244934, 45.9353241 ,
       36.75245361, 29.85816345, 27.53547668, 22.93712311, 22.93178101,
       22.93699799, 22.91038208, 27.4988739 , 29.84021606, 36.71789551,
       45.86646729, 45.86741638, 45.85328979, 45.823349  ,]

where im is a ndarray, x and y are the position of the star and r is 
the radius of the aperture. I calculate the flux inside the aperture,
but when I want to calculate the mean of the pixels outside the 
aperture I run into problems as the pixels values inside the aperture
is 0 and is still considered in the mean calculation. Is there a way to 
do this without using masked arrays? How would I use a masked array
to do it?


"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, 
more complex, and more violent. It takes a 
touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- 
to move in the opposite direction"
                         -- Albert Einstein


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