In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Peter wrote>Wow - why so big for such a simple tool? 2MB sounds like a
>LOT of coding.<
>Yes, it's a lot of code, but it's code written by other people (Python,
>Tkinter). Using Tkinter your program will probably be quite short, even
>if you use some dbase.
>If the data to be entered is simple and textual you can even think
>about using a text only interface. The resulting program will be really
>simple, and probably good enough.
>2+ MB is the size of the executable package you need to give people to
>install Python + some libs + your program.
... and if it's really an issue, it's generally feasible to
squish a Python installable down enough so it fits on a 1.4
Mb floppy.

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