"anya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I want to send an email message with picture in it.

Please, reconsider. Email is a text medium.

> I dont want to put it as attachment but make it in the body of the
> mail, so every one who open the email will see the picture..

No, they won't; my email client displays only text, and that's the
case for a great many people on the net.

> Does anyone have a solution?

If you want people to view something other than text, email is not
what you want. Give a URL to the place where they can view what you
want them to see; then they can choose a time when they are using a
graphically capable terminal.

 \      "Why should I care about posterity? What's posterity ever done |
  `\                                         for me?"  -- Groucho Marx |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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