Oh God,  I agree with Xah Lee.  Someone take me out behind the chemical


Xah Lee wrote:
> Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code
> Xah Lee, 2006-05-13
> In coding a computer program, there's often the choices of tabs or
> spaces for code indentation. There is a large amount of confusion about
> which is better. It has become what's known as “religious war” —
> a heated fight over trivia. In this essay, i like to explain what is
> the situation behind it, and which is proper.
> Simply put, tabs is proper, and spaces are improper. Why? This may seem
> ridiculously simple given the de facto ball of confusion: the semantics
> of tabs is what indenting is about, while, using spaces to align code
> is a hack.
> Now, tech geekers may object this simple conclusion because they itch
> to drivel about different editors and so on. The alleged problem
> created by tabs as seen by the industry coders are caused by two
> things: (1) tech geeker's sloppiness and lack of critical thinking
> which lead them to not understanding the semantic purposes of tab and
> space characters. (2) Due to the first reason, they have created and
> propagated a massive none-understanding and mis-use, to the degree that
> many tools (e.g. vi) does not deal with tabs well and using spaces to
> align code has become widely practiced, so that in the end spaces seem
> to be actually better by popularity and seeming simplicity.
> In short, this is a phenomenon of misunderstanding begetting a snowball
> of misunderstanding, such that it created a cultural milieu to embrace
> this malpractice and kick what is true or proper. Situations like this
> happens a lot in unix. For one non-unix example, is the file name's
> suffix known as “extension”, where the code of file's type became
> part of the file name. (e.g. “.txt”, “.html”, “.jpg”).
> Another well-known example is HTML practices in the industry, where
> badly designed tags from corporation's competitive greed, and stupid
> coding and misunderstanding by coders and their tools are so
> wide-spread such that they force the correct way to the side by the
> eventual standardization caused by sheer quantity of inproper but set
> practice.
> Now, tech geekers may still object, that using tabs requires the
> editors to set their positions, and plain files don't carry that
> information. This is a good question, and the solution is to advance
> the sciences such that your source code in some way embed such
> information. This would be progress. However, this is never thought of
> because the “unix philosophies” already conditioned people to hack
> and be shallow. In this case, many will simply use the character
> intended to separate words for the purpose of indentation or alignment,
> and spread the practice with militant drivels.
> Now, given the already messed up situation of the tabs vs spaces by the
> unixers and unix brain-washing of the coders in the industry... Which
> should we use today? I do not have a good proposition, other than just
> use whichever that works for you but put more critical thinking into
> things to prevent mishaps like this.
> Tabs vs Spaces can be thought of as parameters vs hard-coded values, or
> HTML vs ascii format, or XML/CSS vs HTML 4, or structural vs visual, or
> semantic vs format. In these, it is always easy to convert from the
> former to the latter, but near impossible from the latter to the
> former. And, that is because the former encodes information that is
> lost in the latter. If we look at the issue of tabs vs spaces, indeed,
> it is easy to convert tabs to spaces in a source code, but more
> difficult to convert from spaces to tabs. Because, tabs as indentation
> actually contains the semantic information about indentation. With
> spaces, this critical information is lost in space.
> This issue is intimately related to another issue in source code:
> soft-wrapped lines versus physical, hard-wrapped lines by EOL (end of
> line character). This issue has far more consequences than tabs vs
> spaces, and the unixer's unthinking has made far-reaching damages in
> the computing industry. Due to unix's EOL ways of thinking, it has
> created languages based on EOL (just about ALL languages except the
> Lisp family and Mathematica) and tools based on EOL (cvs, diff, grep,
> and basically every tool in unix), thoughts based on EOL (software
> value estimation by counting EOL, hard-coded email quoting system by
> “>” prefix, and silent line-truncations in many unix tools), such
> that any progress or development towards a “algorithmic code unit”
> concept or language syntaxes are suppressed. I have not written a full
> account on this issue, but i've touched it in this essay: “The Harm
> of hard-wrapping Lines”, at
> http://xahlee.org/UnixResource_dir/writ/hard-wrap.html
> ----
> This post is archived at:
> http://xahlee.org/UnixResource_dir/writ/tabs_vs_spaces.html
>    Xah
>  ∑ http://xahlee.org/


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