achates wrote:

> Jorge Godoy wrote
>>Emacs guess what's used in the file and allows me to use tabs all the
>>time, doing the correct thing...
> That sounds like useful behaviour.
> Maybe this is an area where modern editors might be able to save us
> from ourselves. I'll admit I'm suspicious of relying on editor
> functionality - I'm happier if I know I can also use the old-school
> methods just in case.. Sometimes adding intelligence to an interface
> can be a usability disaster if it makes wrong assumptions about what
> you want. But if people are hell-bent on converting tabs to spaces,
> maybe it's the best way to accommodate them.

If you don't want the functionality, simply disable it.  This is why
configuration files and options exist...

Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

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