Hi Mark,

On 5/18/06, Mark Geyzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Fabio, thank you for your response, but I'm afraid that you misunderstood me - probably, I was not too clear. I do no test GUI - on the contrary, I am testing a HW interface. What I do need is a GUI equivalent of the TextTestRunner method. Any ideas?

My fault, I did  just a 'fast-read'.

Well, I use pydev (http://pydev.sf.net), which allows me to select a folder and then recursively run all the unit-tests below that folder. Pydev is the gui, but the underlying module that actually runs the tests does not actually need a gui (I'm sending it attached). Just send it the dir you want and it will recursively inspect the modules, get the unit-tests and run them.

You can probably easily extend it to run the files you want and not get things recursively if you don't want it... But with all that, It is still a command-line utility -- if you stilll want a gui to it, try pydev, which will allow you to right-click a folder and run all the unit-tests below it.



On 5/17/06, Fabio Zadrozny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 17 May 2006 08:24:40 -0700, volcano < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am desperately looking for an info how to combine a testing
application with decent GUI interface - the way most xUnits do. I
believe I have seen something about using Tkinter, but I do not
remember - where.
I am working on a complex testing application built over unittest
module, and I need GUI interface that will alllow me to select tests at
different levels of test hierarchy tree.
I am new to python, so say everything slow and repeat it twice:)



Have you checked http://pyguiunit.sourceforge.net/ -- it is for PyQt, but can probably be adapted for other GUIs.

-- Fabio

Mark Geyzer
Software Engineer,
tel: +972-52-6782603

    runfiles.py <dir> [<dir>...]

Run all unit tests found in the current path. An unit test is a file with 
TestCase-derived classes. 

import sys
import unittest
import optparse
import fnmatch
import os
import os.path
import re

def MatchMasks( p_FileName, p_Filters ):
    for filter in p_Filters:
        if fnmatch.fnmatch( p_FileName, filter ):
            return 1
    return 0

def NotDir( p_FileName ):
    return not os.path.isdir( p_FileName )

def _FindFiles( p_Path, p_InFilters, p_OutFilters, p_Recursive = True ):
    import os
    import fnmatch
    if not p_Path: p_Path = '.'
    def AddFile( o_Result, p_DirName, p_FileNames ):
        p_FileNames = filter( lambda x: MatchMasks( x, p_InFilters ), p_FileNames ) 
        p_FileNames = filter( lambda x: not MatchMasks( x, p_OutFilters ), p_FileNames ) 
        p_FileNames = filter( NotDir, p_FileNames ) 
        p_FileNames = [os.path.join( p_DirName, x ) for x in p_FileNames]
        o_Result.extend( p_FileNames )

    result = []
    if (p_Recursive):
        os.path.walk( p_Path, AddFile, result )
        result = os.listdir( p_Path )
        result = filter( lambda x: MatchMasks( x, p_InFilters ), result ) 
        result = filter( lambda x: not MatchMasks( x, p_OutFilters ), result ) 
        result = filter( NotDir, result )
        result = [os.path.join( p_Path, x ) for x in result]
    return result;

def make_list( p_element ):
        Returns p_element as a list.
    if isinstance( p_element, list ):
        return p_element
        return [p_element,]

def FindFiles( p_Pathes, p_InFilters=None, p_OutFilters=None, p_Recursive = True ):
        Find files recursivelly, in one or more directories, matching the
        given IN and OUT filters.

        @param p_Patches: One or a list of patches to search.

        @param p_InFilters: A list of filters (DIR format) to match. Defaults
            to ['*.*'].

        @param p_OutFilters
        A list of filters (DIR format) to ignore. Defaults to [].

        @param p_Recursive
        Recursive search? 
    if p_InFilters is None:
        p_InFilters = ['*.*']
    if p_OutFilters is None:
        p_OutFilters = []
    p_Pathes = make_list( p_Pathes )
    result = []
    for i_path in p_Pathes:
        files = _FindFiles( i_path, p_InFilters, p_OutFilters, p_Recursive )
        result.extend( files )
    return result

def parse_cmdline():
    usage='usage: %prog directory [other_directory ...]'  
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)

    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if not args:
    return args

def FormatAsModuleName( filename):
    result = filename
    result = result.replace( '\\', '/' )
    result = result.split( '/' )
    result = '.'.join( result )
    return result

def SystemPath( directories ):
    return [FormatAsModuleName( p ) for p in sys.path]

def ImportModule( p_import_path ):
        Import the module in the given import path.
        * Returns the "final" module, so importing "coilib40.subject.visu" return the "visu"
        module, not the "coilib40" as returned by __import__
    result = __import__( p_import_path )
    for i in p_import_path.split('.')[1:]:
        result = getattr( result, i )
    return result

def ModuleName( filename, system_path ):
        Given a module filename returns the module name for it considering the given system path.
    import os.path, sys

    def matchPath( path_a, path_b ):
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
           return path_a.lower().startswith( path_b.lower() )
           return path_a.startswith( path_b )
    result = FormatAsModuleName( os.path.splitext( filename )[0] )
    for i_python_path in system_path:
        if matchPath( result, i_python_path ):
            result = result[len( i_python_path )+1:]
            #print 'entered', filename, 'exit', result
            return result
    raise RuntimeError( "Python path not found for filename: %r" % filename )

def runtests(dirs, verbosity=2):
    loader = unittest.defaultTestLoader
    print 'Finding files...',dirs
    names = []
    for dir in dirs:
        if os.path.isdir(dir):
            #a test can be in any .py file (excluding __init__ files)
            names.extend(FindFiles(dir, ['*.py', '*.pyw'], ['__init__.*'], True))
        elif os.path.isfile(dir):
            print dir, 'is not a dir nor a file... so, what is it?'
    print 'done.'
    print 'Importing test modules...',
    alltests = []
    system_path = SystemPath(sys.path)
    for name in names:
            module = ImportModule(ModuleName(name, system_path))
            tests = loader.loadTestsFromModule(module)
            #ok, unable to load the module (probably has not __init__.py in its folder structure)
    print 'done.'
    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(sys.stdout, 1, verbosity)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dirs = parse_cmdline()


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