glomde wrote:
> I'm answering two of you posts here...
>>Sweet Lord, have mercy !
>> >  Which should create myList = [[0..9], {0:0, ... 9:9}]
>>myList = [
>> range(10),
>> dict((i, i) for i in range(10))
>>Let's talk about readability....
> My code was  just to show that the proposal is not only for HTML
> generation but could be used whenever you want to create COMPLEX
> hierarcical datastructures.

It's enough to see why no-one in it's own mind would ever want to use
such a syntax.

> Do I need to show you a example where you cant use the style you
> showed?

Please, don't. Let's protect innocent eyes.

>>Strange enough, working with trees is nothing new, and it seems that
>>almost anyone managed to get by without cryptic 'operators' stuff.
> Strange enough once almost anyone managed to get by without Python...
> :-)

>>>I used HTML as example since it is a good
>>>example and
>>>most people would understand the intention.
>>Sorry for being dumb.
> It not your fault :-)
>>>But could you elaborate on your comment that it is unusable.
>>Ask all the coders that switched from Perl to Python why they did so...
> You seem to really have a thing for Perl...

Yes : readability. Being dumb, I need a readable, cryptic-operator free

>>From what you written I assume you mean that it is no good because you
> find the syntax cryptic.

cryptic *and* utterly ugly FWIW.

Also, you failed to address the fact that there may be much better ways
to do so, even probably without syntax change.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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