On Thu, 18 May 2006 21:29:59 +0200 in comp.lang.python, Ronny Mandal

>Assume we have a list l, containing tuples t1,t2...
>i.e. l = [(2,3),(3,2),(6,5)]
>And now I want to sort l reverse by the second element in the tuple,
>i.e the result should ideally be:
> l = [(6,5),(2,3),(3,2)]
>Any ideas of how to accomplish this?
>Ronny Mandal

>>> def my_cmp(t1,t2):
        c1 = t1[1]
        c2 = t2[1]
        if c1 > c2: return 1
        if c2 > c1: return -1
        return 0
>>> l
[(2, 3), (3, 2), (6, 5)]
>>> l.sort(cmp=my_cmp, reverse = True)
>>> l
[(6, 5), (2, 3), (3, 2)]


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