"Harlin Seritt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> groups = {'IRISH' : 'green', 'AMERICAN' : 'blue'}
> I want to add another key: 'ITALIAN' : 'orange'
> How do I append this to 'groups'?

Dictionary items have no implicit sequence, so you don't "append" to

Assigning any value to a key in the dictionary will create that key if
it doesn't exist.

    >>> groups = {'IRISH': 'green', 'AMERICAN': 'blue'}
    >>> groups['ITALIAN'] = 'orange'
    >>> print groups
    {'IRISH': 'green', 'AMERICAN': 'blue', 'ITALIAN': 'orange'}

Please enjoy your trip through the Python tutorial, working through
the examples and understanding each one.


 \        "It is the responsibility of intellectuals to tell the truth |
  `\                                and expose lies."  -- Noam Chomsky |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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