SamFeltus enlightened us with:
> 1. Loss of back button
> Isn't this really a myth?

No, it isn't a myth. Pressing the back button is the action second
most performed in a browser, clicking a link being the first. People
want to go back from where they came.

> A page with a time dimension, be it Flash, HTML/JS or whatever,
> breaks the back button.

No it doesn't. If something is interactive and lets the user go
somewhere by performing an action, they expect to be able to go back
using the back button.

People want to be in control over their computer, their time, and
their attention. If they aren't, they go away.

> Fonts are problematic in Flash, this is a weakness of Flash.
> Scaling Fonts is even more problematic, but, fonts are an issue in
> any precise design on the web.

Websites shouldn't be designed to be pixel-perfect. They should be
designed to scale and stretch, and to accommodate a user's wishes. If
you want something exactly like you envision it, go direct a movie.

> I wouldn't argue Flash is better for text sites at the moment, due
> to Search Engine shortcomings.

And due to being incompatible with the browser's own search

> As for the blind issue,that makes no sense to me.  Is the suggestion
> that we should give up using images in web sites since some people
> can't see them.  Might as well throw out the use of the img tag
> while we are at it?

Go and read some usability studies, and get acquainted with the HTML
standards, before commenting on them. The 'alt' attribute is
mandatory, and should describe the image for those who can only
interpret text.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
                                             Frank Zappa

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