Hello world,

I tried looking everywhere for a decent Tkinter GUI builder and the
closest I got to finding one before being horrified from looking at the
source was vtcl @ http://vtcl.sourceforge.net. The next closest thing
was page @ http://page.sourceforge.net/

Page just didn't cut it for me and I got several errors from it whereas
vtcl was almost a dream come true. it was not only perfect but I had a
full fledged gui design up and running at the click of a file in less
than ten minutes with so many widgets neatly placed...

When I looked at the source, it was in Tcl... It was huge at about 477
lines for a nice and complete interface... problem is I don't know Tcl
from chinese... I assume it is Tcl because the extension on the
generated file was Tcl... Man, what a let down...

The following sites had nothing helpful on the subject at all...


Yup, I searched it all.. Maybe I am searching with the wrong keywords
or maybe not a single good gui designer for tkinter even exist? Chances
are extremely high at this point the only robust GUI builder for
Tkinter is probably Vim .

please do not recommend Komodo...

I am aware of wxPython, GTK, QT and several others but Tkinter strikes
me as perfect... I am not at all worried about the looks of it just the
idea of one gui on all platforms strikes me as nice!

if at this point you're a veteran at Tkinter Gui design and you know
for a fact no Tkinter Gui builder exist now and no plans on making one
exist and you know everthing about Tkinter, please advise. Ok, even if
you don't know everything do you have a suggestion?

My main concern is one Gui builder for an interface for all platforms,
no special editing per platform. Just one edit and its game over, hello
world. Is this too much to ask for?

Thank you for your time!


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