Le Mardi 23 Mai 2006 15:55, Pablo a écrit :
> Question: Isn't there an *alternative* way to do it without the lambda
> function?
No, it's good, why shouldn't you use a lambda function ?

Note you can do something like this :

class _virtualgetter :
        def __init__(self, name) : self._n =name
        def _call__(self, vself) : return getattr(vself, 'get' + self._n)()

def vprop(name) : return property(fget=_virtualgetter(name))

from ... import vprop

class Base(object):
    def __init__(self, attr):
        self._attr = attr
    def getAttribute(self):
        return self._attr
    attr = vprop('Attribute')

class Derived(Base):
    def getAttribute(self):
        return 2*self._attr


Maric Michaud

Aristote - www.aristote.info
3 place des tapis
69004 Lyon
Tel: +33 426 880 097

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