fup to poster

"Xah Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm sorry to trouble everyone. But as you might know, due to my
> controversial writings and style,

You're mistaken. Not that I or many other people with some brains had 
expected anything else. The problem is that you crosspost to 5 groups (5, 
which I am sure is a limitation Google Groups set to you, and has nothing 
to do with you respecting Usenet a bit) for the sole purpose of 
spamvertizing your website.

> recently John Bokma lobbied people to
> complaint to my web hosting provider. After exchanging a few emails, my
> web hosting provider sent me a 30-day account cancellation notice last
> Friday.

Which shows that your actions are frowned upon by others, for good 
reasons. Of course you are going in cry baby mode now.

> I'm not sure I will be able to keep using their service, but I do hope
> so. I do not like to post off-topic messages,


> but this is newsgroup
> incidence is getting out of hand, and I wish people to know about it.
> I wrote some full detail here:
> http://xahlee.org/Periodic_dosage_dir/t2/harassment.html

You mean your brain farted again some bullshit.

> If you believe this lobbying to my webhosting provider is unjust,
> please write to my web hosting provider [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dreamhost has made a decission, a right one IMO. And now you ask people to 
harass them more?

You really are just a pathetic little shit now aren't you?

Not even the balls nor the guts to fix the issue that you are.

John Bokma          Freelance software developer
                    Experienced Perl programmer: http://castleamber.com/

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