Xah Lee wrote:
> I'm sorry to trouble everyone. But as you might know, due to my
> controversial writings and style, recently John Bokma lobbied people to
> complaint to my web hosting provider. After exchanging a few emails, my
> web hosting provider sent me a 30-day account cancellation notice last
> Friday.

I'm probably stupid for contributing in this flame fest, but here goes.

The reason that I consider Xah a troll and net abuser has little to do 
with cross-posting (which is still bad) or the length of his messages 
(he really should post them on his website and provide a summary and a 

My main problem is that he unloads his crap and then runs away. He 
doesn't participate in any discussion after that. This shows that he has 
no actual interest in discussion of the issues just in using Usenet as a 
form of publishing.

The mention of free speech was raised. But the fact is that Usenet is 
not free (as in beer). We all pay for it. Your ISP has to pay for a 
server, the space for the messages, the bandwidth to download the 
messages, and the bandwidth to send them to your news reader. In reality 
the cost is shared among all of us.

Therefore you do not have the "right" to do what you want with Usenet. 
You have a responsibility to use Usenet in a way that benefits the group 
as a whole (e.g. asking interesting questions that educate others).

  Dale King

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