> You perhaps shouldn't become so excited. Next time, if you're not sure of
> the correctness of your solution, try to wait a bit before posting it,
> and see if someone other comes up with the same thing you would have posted.

George, if Frederik's first reply was replaced with yours chances are
this little waste of time would have never had taken place. I am not an
animal and I am capable of understanding my mistakes but trying to
embarass me and belittle me in front of all of my peers here when all I
tried to do was help is absolutely pathetic the first time around.

I don't try to come off as a know it all here and I don't feel I should
post a gospel warning label on my help signature but Fredrik could have
delivered his message in a much better tone. I too am learning Python
and if maybe my answer was not evident enough of that then how smart is
Fredrik to persecute me for it?

I don't wish to question Fredriks knowledge or his position in the
whole scheme of Python but to disrespect me in the name of arrogance
and call it just is a mislabel. I don't wish to carry on with this, I
don't... I just have no love for a bully and Fredrik is proving himself
to be just that.

Good day George!


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