Ok, this is really irritating me. I'm sure there are different ways of doing this - I'm interested in the algo, not the practical solution, I'm more trying to play with iterators and recursion. I want to create a program that generates every possible combination of a set of a n dice, with s sides.
so I started with an iterator class die(object): def __init__(self,sides): self.sides = range(1,sides+1) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): self.sides = self.sides[1:] + [self.sides[0]] return self.sides[-1] now my thought was to create a recursive function to iterate through all the dice combinations. Unfortunately... I'm coming up with a dead end. I've tried working it out with different version of the die, ie one that doesn't loop infinitely, but instead takes a starting position. A vaiety of things, and yet I can't find a nice recursive function that falls out of the die class. Any ideas? or better terms to google? cuz I've tried. Thanks -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list