Edward Elliott wrote:
>>Flash also behaves consistently cross-browser, cross/platform -- and 
>>features cannot be disabled by the user.
>            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> And that's a good thing?  Maybe for Macromedia, not for us.  This smells
> like astroturf.
>>Flash can load and play external MP3 audio.
>>Flash can render text...
>>Flash can load/parse/serialize/send XML.
>>Flash can access you webcam, allowing you to create your own video
>>chat/IM app.
>>Flash can programatically-build vector shapes, gradients, and fills.
> It dices!  It splices!  Flash can heat your coffee, walk your dog, and
> change your baby!  It's the stupendous, miraculous, fantabulous app you
> can't live without!
>>Flash can #animate# stuff!!!
>>Flash is like a 2 MB download that works in almost *every* browser out
>>there.  ...it's pretty phenomenal that all those features could have
>>been crammed into it.    (like: a built-in interpreter for a
>>late-version-EcmaScript-compliant scripting language -- that, in many
>>ways, is far more capable than what is available w/ JavaScript in most
>>*** This feature can be used for a web-based CMS!  It would blow-away
>>anything (non-Java) now available for managing and uploading assets.
>>- Show quoted text -
> Ugh, definitely astroturf.
The most telling thing of all is that most of the web sites with a Flash 
intro find it necessary to provide a "bypass intro" button. People 
quickly tire of this stuff. It's just, well, flashy :-)

Unfortunately it's difficult to get someone who's in love with a 
proprietary technology to admit that open standards are preferable.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd          http://www.holdenweb.com
Love me, love my blog  http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
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