Something like:

import csv
in_csv=csv.reader( file('your INPUT filenamehere.csv') )
out_csv=csv.writer( file('your OUPUT filenamehere.csv','wb') )
## If you have a header record on your input file, then
out_csv.writerow( )
## Iterate over your input file
for row in in_csv:
    # Row will be a list where row[0]=userid and row[3]=passwd
    # Assuming you want to write password as new field then
    out_csv.writerow( row + [password] )
    # Assuming you want to over-write password field then
    row[3] = password

All the best,


k.i.n.g. wrote:
> Hi ALL,
> I am sorry for not mentioning that I am new to python and scripting.
> How can I add the above script to handle csv file. I want the script to
> generate passwords in the passwords column/row in a csv file.
> userid,realname,dateofB,passwd
> The script should read the userid and genrate the password for each
> user id (there are thousands of userids)
> Kanthi


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