> that doesn't shock me :p
> anyway you're talking about instalation while I'm talkig about single
> standalone file.
> Besides, if it was neccessary I bet MS would make that option (and it
> wouldn't be a problem since installation is not done from a sinlge file
> but from the CD (should be CD-RW in that case) with lots of files and
> directories so they'd create just another directory on the installation
> CD, say \All Documents\ )

But that is a folder then. Go put your config-file & program in a folder,
and copy it.

>> Seriously: Who is going to copy a executable around?
> Obviously I am. :D
> Do you know of any
>> other program that behaves like that?
> No, but for most programs I used I never bothered to check where did
> they put their settings.
> That's just the thing, I'm not a professional programmer so I was
> wondering is it possible to do it, and if it is how much trouble would
> it be. If nothing I will just make a config file right next to the
> executable..

Nobody does it that way for a simple reason: lets say you stored some
config-information like an IP-address. Now moving your program somewhere
else makes that a wrong config option - and possibly your program crashes
even before you have the chance to _change_ that config setting. Now you
need either a fresh copy - or just edit/delete the config file. The latter
sounds better to me - and most probably quite a few others programmers.


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