I have a problem organizing my programs in packages and subpackages.

I use python.2.3.3
I built a test structure to try to understand how it worked:

/test/__init__.py       (containing: __all__=['test1'])
/test/test1/__init__.py (containing: __all__=['test2'])
/test/test1/test2/__init__.py   (containing: __all__=['test3'])
/test/test1/test2/test3.py      (containing: print 'test3')

Then I run:
 >>> from test import *
 >>> test1
<module 'test.test1' from 'test/test1/__init__.py'>
 >>> test2
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'test2' is not defined

So it seems that I am very limited in the number of subpackages I can 
Is it normal? Am I silly organizing my programs like that?

Thanks for your help!



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