crossposted to 5 groups, which are affected by this case.

followup not applicable.


I am currently selecting a Hosting Provider / Project Host...

For this larger scale project...


An incident within usenet has reminded me to include a very Basic
Requirement, which is "Terms of Service / Liberality".


The incident:

It _seems_ that Mr. Xah Les's account was terminated by
because of

a) the inability of several people to detect the interconnections within 
writings which lead to perfectly valid cross-posts within the usenet.

b) the non-liberal and essentially non-professional way of how deals with abuse complaints.


The accusations of "" are simply wrong.

The behaviour of looks like a case of "selective ruling", 
whilst using a right defined within the "Terms of Service" to terminate 
accounts essentially at free will.

Can someone trust his business or even his private activities to a
hosting company, which cancels accounts in such a way?

I do not:

But possibly I am wrong, and all this is just a missunderstanding.



You should install an autoresponder to your abuse email, which reminds
people that it is

* nearly inpossible to rate the content posted to usenet
* neally inpossible to detect validity of cross-posts
   especially within complex analytical/philosophical writings
* other important facts

People can then decide if they still wish to send the abuse complain
(e.g. can follow a link within the autoresponder).

You should additionally make a clear statement, that you do _not_ have
the right to cancel acounts _without_ any reason, and that you do _not_
intervene into a persons right to speek within the usenet, without a
clear and undoubtable proof of abuse (e.g. court decision, or at least 
verfication of independend entities or mediators).

Additionally, it would be gentle if your company would make a _public_ 
statement subjecting this case, thus any interested party can verify the 
validity of the statements.


To Mr. Xah Lee:

You should change to a more liberal services provider, one which
plays in the "Major League" and which respects free speech. Such a
provider would just reject such ridiculous abuse complaints.

If, for any reason, you are not able to switch to another hosting
provider, please let me know.

I will see what I can do for you to keep your free speech up.

Additionally, I would like to suggest you to not invest too much time 
into all this. Better use this time to find people and to react in an 
organized manner.


To the complaining people:

To which 'species' do you belong?

Setting up an thread filter:

I have seldom seen a more ridiculous argumentation-line than then 
"spam/abuse" one.


To anyone:

Any form of censorship and "suppression of freedom of expression" should 
be kept out of from open-source projects and from usenet.

It is the within the responsibility of every entity (including 
commercial companies) to act against it.





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