
I'm writing a hand-written recursive decent parser for SPICE syntax
parsing.  In one case I have one function that handles a bunch of
similar cases (you pass the name and the number of tokens you're
looking for).  In another case I have a function that handles a
different set of tokens and so it can't use the same arguments as the
first one, and in fact takes no arguments.  However, these functions
are semantically similar and are called from the same place one right
after the other.

I'd like to have a dictionary (actually a nested dictionary) to call
these functions so I can avoid if-then-elsing everything.  Eath
dictionary item has three things in it: the function to be called, a
string to pass to the function (which is also the key to the dict), and
a tuple to pass to the function.  In the case of the function with no
arguments, obviously I'd like not to pass anything.

I'm trying to do this 'functionally' (i guess), by avoiding
if-then-elses and just calling out the  functions by accessing them and
their arguments from the dictionary.

something like this:
                alldict = \
                        {'pulse': {'func': self.arbtrandef, 'args':(2,5)},\
                         'sin'  : {'func': self.arbtrandef, 'args':(2,3)},\
                         'exp'  : {'func': self.arbtrandef, 'args':(2,4)},\
                         'pwl'  : {'func': self.pwldef    , 'args': (None,)},\  
<------- how
do I store "no" arguments?
                         'sffm' : {'func': self.arbtrandef, 'args':(5,0)}}

                for it in alldict.items():
                        name = it[0]
                        args = (name,) + it[1]['args']

So  basically this doesn't work.  I am either trying to pass a tuple of
(name, None,) to a function (pwldef) that doesn't take any arguments,
or I'm trying to pass None itself, which also doesn't work.  I could
try changing pwldef to take 3 arguments and then just throw them away,
but that's cheesy.  It almost seems like in 'args' there should be a
little function that creates an argument.  I tried using a lambda in
another situation to "do" something (an assignment) rather than
"return" something, but it didn't work.

Any thoughts?


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