Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> John Salerno a écrit :
>> If I want to get all the values that are entered into an HTML form and 
>> write them to a file, is there some way to handle them all at the same 
>> time, or must FieldStorage be indexed by each specific field name?
> AFAIK, FieldStorage is a somewhat dict-like object, but I'm not sure it 
> supports the whole dict interface. At least, it does support keys(), so 
> you should get by with:
> for k in fs.keys():
>   print >> myfile, k, ":", fs[k]
> But reading the doc may help...

Thanks. The cgi docs don't seem to get into too much detail, unless I 
wasn't thorough enough. But your method seems like it might work well if 
I can't find something after another read through.

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