Steve Holden wrote:
> Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
>> [Replying to comp.lang.python, due to censorship on Django User]
>> [additional notification of poster via email, as medium is changed]
> And yet you still don't see why people call you a troll?

Missing liberal qualities?

> This is completely inappropriate for comp.lang.python. Please take it 
> elsewhere.

This is perfectly appropriate for comp.lang.python, as it is the closest 
usenet group for django.

> This newsgroup is not a proxy for any other group who may have tired of 
> your postings, and is not an arbitration forum for disputes.


It's a place to discuss python.

And it's a place to continue discussions which were censored within 
other media of the python domain.



I forgot to post the link to the original article:

> regards
>  Steve


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