Frank Silvermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Nils O. Selåsdal wrote:
>> Xah Lee wrote:
>>> The Nature of the “Unix Philosophy”
> [snip]
>> Perhaps you should take a peek at the ideas in Plan 9 from Bell Labs,
>> which is  a continuation of this philosophy, unlike the "modern" unix
>> clones.
> Is there an actual Plan 9?  I'm only aware of the one from Outer
> Space. frank

No, there is no _actual_ Plan 9.  The OS named "Plan 9" is named after
the Outer Space one.

__Pascal Bourguignon__           

ATTENTION: Despite any other listing of product contents found
herein, the consumer is advised that, in actuality, this product
consists of 99.9999999999% empty space.

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