moonman wrote:

> import math
> ....
> cos_phi = math.cos(math.radians(XPLMGetDataf(self.ACphi))) # Error
> occurs here

what error ?  it's a lot easier to help if you include the traceback.

> Now XPLMGetDataf should be returning float.

should be ?  have you verified this ?  try adding

     print self.ACphi, type(self.ACphi)
     value = XPLMGetDataf(self.ACphi)
     print value, type(value)

before the cos_phi line, and let us know what it prints.

> Is there something that I'm completely missing about how Python does
> tyonig or something?

not necessarily, but you may need to work a little on your trouble- 
shooting skills (rule 1: when in doubt, use print.  print is your friend).



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