Then just write HTML around your list.  I would guess
you want them inside a table.  Just write appropriate
HTML tags before/after the urls.  If you want the URLs
to be clickable make them in into <a href>url</a> lines.

-Larry Bates

Shani wrote:
> I have the following code which takes a list of urls
> "";, without the quotes ofcourse, and then saves there
> source code as a text file. I wan to alter the code so that for the
> list of URLs an html file is saved.
> -----begin-----
> import urllib
> urlfile = open(r'c:\temp\url.txt', 'r')
> for lines in urlfile:
>     try:
>         outfilename = lines.replace('/', '-')
>         urllib.urlretrieve(lines.strip('/n'), 'c:\\temp\\' \
>         + outfilename.strip('\n')[7:] + '.txt')
>     except:
>         pass
> -----end-----

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