You should be able to find exactly what you need in the tempfile module.

os.tmpfile() is no good whether you want the filename or not since on Windows
it is likely to break if you are not a privileged user.  Its a windows
problem, not an actual bug in Python, the call depends on a broken windows
command that creates its files in C:\ 


On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 07:44:38AM -0700, Harold Fellermann wrote:
> Maric Michaud wrote:
> > Le Jeudi 08 Juin 2006 15:30, Harold Fellermann a ?crit :
> > > to os.tmpfile() which is supposed to be safer, but I do not know how to
> > > get
> > > the path information from the file object returned by tmpfile(). any
> > > clues?
> > There is no path for tmpfile, once it's closed, the file and its content are
> > lost. from the doc :
> > " The file has no directory entries associated with it and will be
> > automatically deleted once there are no file descriptors for the file."
> >
> > You must maintain a reference to it in your program untill you don't need it
> > anymore.
> I am doing so. But still, I need its path. To give you some context:
> I have an app built on Tk that uses gnuplot behind the scenes.
> My application creates a temporary file where which gnuplot writes its
> results to (using the tkcanvas terminal). Later, I load the contents of
> that file into the a tk canvas. I don't care about the temporary file
> after my app is closed, so I have its reference all the time. But I
> need
> its path to tell both gnuplot and tk where to read/write data to/from.
> class PlotWindow(Tk.Canvas) :
>     def plot(self,commands) :
>         tmp = os.tmpnam()
>         gnuplot = subprocess.Popen(
>             "gnuplot", shell=True,
>             stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=file(tmp,"w")
>         )
>         stdout,stderr = gnuplot.communicate("""
>             set terminal tkcanvas interact
>             set output "%s"
>             """ % tmp + commands)
>         assert not stderr
> Of course, I could just use matplotlib or but the problem
> is not necessary enough to make any refacturing. If there is no way
> to use os.tmpfile(), I just go ahead with the security warning. Its
> only
> a small personal app, anyway.
> - harold -
> -- 

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