Girish Sahani wrote:
> Hi,
> There is a code in my main function which is something like:
>         while prunedFinal != []:
>             prunedNew = genColocations(prunedK) ***
>             tableInstancesNew = genTableInstances(prunedNew,tableInstancesK)
>             tiCountDict = tiCount(tableInstancesNew)
>             tiDict = findPI(tableInstancesNew)
>             prunedFinal = pruneTI(tiDict,pi)
>             rulesDict = genRules(prunedFinal)
>             cpDict = findCP(rulesDict)
>             prunedRulesList = pruneCP(cpDict,cp)
>             prunedK = prunedFinal
>             tableInstancesK = tableInstancesNew
>         else:
>             return prunedRulesList
> prunedK and tableInstancesK are defined in the main function.

defined as what ? functions, strings, lists, classes, ... ?

> Before the
> main function, i have defined the other functions such as
> genColocations,genTableInstances,etc. Output of genColocations is to be
> given to the next function genTableInstances,output of this function to
> tiCount and findPI, and so on.
> However i am getting an error at the line marked with ***.

Which error ? How do you hope us to be of any help here if you don't *at
least* provide the full traceback ? FWIW, the canonical way to do things
is to:
- provide minimal *runnable* code exposing the problem
- explain what you hoped to get
- explain what you got instead (including full traceback)

As a matter of fact, it's often the case that one solves the problem
when working on the first point !-)


bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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