Le Vendredi 09 Juin 2006 20:06, Ilias Lazaridis a écrit :
> the code below works, but has the limitation that I cannot import the
> syncdb_hook within "django.core.management".

In [4]: from b import CONS

In [5]: import b

In [6]: b.CONS = 3

In [7]: CONS
Out[7]: 5

In [8]: from b import CONS

In [9]: CONS
Out[9]: 3

So, if you change one module name, a function or a class or a constant, you 
must do it before it is imported, or you must reload modules using it. But 
either are not always possible, and the later is not what you want to achieve 
here as it will re-execute all initialisation code in those modules.

But think of that, a function is hopefully an  object in python, hmmm :

In [1]: from temp import func

In [2]: func(5)
Out[2]: 5

In [3]: def g(s) : return s*2

In [4]: func.func_code = g.func_code

In [5]: func(5)
Out[5]: 10

hey, that should work !


Maric Michaud

Aristote - www.aristote.info
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