I would try looking at Django or Turbogears.

Also have a look at:
How to write a browser-based desktop app using CherryPy 2.0:
How to write a a browser-based desktop app using CherryPy 2.1:


On Sat, Jun 10, 2006 at 10:25:53AM -0700, V Sivakumar wrote:
>    Dear Chris,
>         It is really very kind of you. Actually, I planned to do as a web
>    program with a in built webserver. In that a the GUI creation becomes
>    very easy. Is  Twisted (Python 2.4) a good option?
>    I find no good tutorials for Python programming. Like handling HTTPRequest
>    and HTTPResponse.
>    Kind Regards
>    V Sivakumar
>    "You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the
>    power that created you" - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. [1]www.tnsahaj.org.
>    ----- Original Message ----
>    From: Chris Lambacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    To: V Sivakumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    Cc: python-list@python.org
>    Sent: Saturday, 10 June, 2006 9:26:38 AM
>    Subject: Re: TKinter
>    GTK+ + Glade
>    [2]http://pygtk.org/
>    WxPython has several GUI editors
>    [3]http://wxpython.org
>    PyQt has the ability to generate code from the Qt GUI designer
>    [4]http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/
>    I personally have used GTK+ and Glade with great success.  I found
>    WxPython to
>    be lacking in polish.  I have not worked with PyQt.
>    Pretty much all of the above work models are not embedded into an
>    IDE.  There
>    is a GUI editor, and then you use your regular editor to write code.
>    This is actually a pretty good model because from my experience, as your
>    application becomes bigger and more complicated, you want less GUI
>    generated
>    UI and more had written UI code.
>    -Chris
>    On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 10:29:44PM -0000, V Sivakumar wrote:
>    > Dear Group!,
>    >     I am new to Python. I have Eclipse with Python support , is there
>    > better IDE for free and with good support for GUI development. I need
>    > to develop a nice looking desktop application. Like we could do in VB,
>    > C# and Java Swing. Is there  a drag drop support GUI toolkit for
>    > Python like the above languages do?
>    >
>    > Thanks
>    > Siva
>    >
>    >
>    >
>    >
>    > --
>    > [5]http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> References
>    Visible links
>    1. http://www.tnsahaj.org/
>    2. http://pygtk.org/
>    3. http://wxpython.org/
>    4. http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/
>    5. http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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