Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:
> Em Dom, 2006-06-11 às 11:19 -0700, fl1p-fl0p escreveu:
>> import math
>> math.pow(34564323, 456356)
>> will give math range error.
>> how can i force python to process huge integers without math range
>> error? Any modules i can use possibly?
> 34564323**456356 ?

I just tried this and it is taking an extremely long time even on a fast
machine with 4 Gb of RAM.  Killed it after a couple of minutes.  This
sort of calculation can be done with extended precision floating point
(as long as you don't need an exact answer).  For example (using
defaults on a 64-bit machine),

>>> from clnum import mpf
>>> mpf(34564323)**456356

compute time is about 160 microseconds.

For more information see


For calculations involving large powers, you may still be better off
using logarithms.

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