Okay, so too bad I didn't know about this before I wrote the 75 lines
of code based on HTMLParser. That said, it still wasn't that hard and
most of all it is done and it works so I won't be rewriting it. I did
check it out and it seems quite powerful. I'll add it to my library of
tools to use for the next python project. Thanks for the tip.
  - Ken

Jonathan Ellis wrote:
> KenAggie wrote:
> > I posted it on activestate already ... sorry. I would like for the
> > geniuses here to use it and improve upon it so here is the activestate
> > post URL:
> >
> > http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/496790
> Whoa.  Check out BeautifulSoup -- you will never write HTMLParser-based
> screen scrapers again. :)
> -Jonathan


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