Bryan wrote:

> at the end of that page, it says:
> "Numarray is another implementation of an arrayobject for Python written after
> Numeric and before NumPy. Sponsors of numarray have indicated they will be
> moving to NumPy as soon as is feasible for them so that eventually numarray 
> will
> be phased out."
> on the python wiki
> "NumArray is the current reimplementation of NumPy."
> so, was Numarray written *before* NumPY, or was it a reimplementation of NumPy
> which implies it came *after* NumPy?  it seems clear that Numeric is the old 
> one
> and i read is not being worked on anymore.  so that leaves Numarray and numpy.
> which of these two should i use?


NumPy is the name of both an old package and a new package. I believe
that NumArray came after the first incarnation, but that the new
incarnation of NumPy is the most recent, and is probably the one you

Ben Sizer


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