Brian van den Broek wrote:
> Mike T said unto the world upon 13/06/06 10:46 AM:
>>What exactly is 411 in this context?  A reference to higher education
>>perhaps?  Or perhaps part of the American constitution? What exactly?
>>Also for that matter what is 101?
> Hi Mike,
> 411 is the number one dials in North America to reach directory 
> assistance (getting telephone numbers). So, it has a slang usage 
> meaning something like information. Introductory university course in 
> a field are often numbered 101 (i.e. Computer Science 101). So, that 
> number has acquired a slang meaning of basic and introductory information.
> Where I did my undergrad studies, a few Departments had 001 classes. 
> Somehow that felt more honest ;-)
Surely 000 would have been more consistent ...

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