I'm trying to find out what is eating some KeyboardInterrupt exceptions 
in a fairly large program (yum).  My KeyboardInterrupt handler is called 
for some Ctl-C presses, but for others nothing seems to happen.  
Grepping the source (what of it I've found, looking at import 
statements) doesn't turn up anything likely.

My thinking is that either some "except:" clause is eating them, or some 
place I haven't looked is eating them, or possibly C code is eating 
them.  For the first two, at least, I'd like to use a debugger to trace 
KeyboardInterrupt exceptions, make sure that they're happening, and see 
what is handling them.  I don't see a way to trace or break on a 
specific exception type in Idle.  Can someone give me a hint on how to 
do this?  I'm willing to consider other debuggers, including gdb (DDD).
TonyN.:'                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      '                                  <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>

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