hello, i want to use rsync for remote file transfer via popen, but couldnt pass the Password yet. here`s what i did cmd = 'rsync -av config [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/.' f = os.popen(cmd,'w') f.write('1234') #not worked f.write('1234\n') #not worked
every time i see "Password:" line, then i tried popen2 st_out, st_in = popen2.popen2(cmd) st_in.write('1234') #not worked st_in.write('1234\n') #not worked again i got bored to see "Password:" line every time and did st_out.close() to not to see stdout messages from rsync, but even this did not work. also i tried popen3() function same way. what should i do? Thanks. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list