> I am new to Python and am working on my first program. I am trying
> to compare a date I found on a website to todays date. The problem I
> have is the website only shows 3 letter month name and the date.
> Example: Jun 15

The 'datetime' module in the standard library will do the job of
creating date objects that can be compared.


Construct a date from arbitrary values with datetime.date(), get the
current date with datetime.date.today(). The objects returned by those
functions can be compared directly.

As for how to get from a string representation to a date object,
you're now talking about parsing strings to extract date/time
information. This isn't provided in the standard library, largely
because there's no "one obvious way to do it". An existing PEP
proposing adding such functionality has since been withdrawn:


Parsing datetime values from strings is fuzzy and prone to lots of
assumptions and errors, so the programmer must choose their own set of
assumptions. One popular implementation of a specific set of
assumptions is the egenix 'mxDateTime' module.


That module predates (and was largely an inspiration for) the standard
library 'datetime' module; however, I don't know if the egenix module
uses objects that can be used with those from the standard library.

 \           "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their |
  `\          home."  -- Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of |
_o__)                                    Digital Equipment Corp., 1977 |
Ben Finney


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