Thus spoke Mirco Wahab (on 2006-06-16 21:21):

> I used your example just to try that in python
> (i have to improve my python skills), but waved
> the white flag after realizing that there's no
> easy string/var-into-string interpolation.

I did another try on it, using all my Python
resources available (and several cups of coffee)

This scans your text for rules provided
and extracts values and variable names
and prints them at the end.

I had some issues with python then:
- no comment # after line continuation \\
- regular expressions **** **** (as I said before)


DATA = '''
An example text file:
Some text that can span some lines.
  Apples 34
  56 Ducks
Some more text.
  0.5 g butter
-----------------'''       # data must show up before usage

filter = [                 # define filter table
   'Apples (apples)',
   '(ducks) Ducks',
   '(butter) g butter',
varname = {}                            # variable names to be found in filter
varscanner = r'\\b(\S+?)\\b'            # expression used to extract values
example = DATA                          # read the appended example text,

import re
for rule in filter: # iterate over filter rules, rules will be in 'rule'
       k ='\((.+)\)', rule) # pull out variable names ->k
       if                   # pull their values from text
          varname[] = \
      re.sub(r'\((.+)\)', varscanner, rule), \
                          example ).group(1)  # use regex in modified 'rule'

for key, val in varname.items(): print key, "\t= ", val # print what's found


I think, the source is quite comprehensible
in Python, as is in Perl - if there weren't
'regex issues' ;-)

Maybe some folks could have a look at it
and convert it to contemporary Python

Below ist the Perl program that was modified
to correspond roughly 1:1 to the Python
source above.

Both will print:
   butter       =  0.5
   apples       =  34
   ducks        =  56

Regards & thanks in advance



use strict;
use warnings;

my @filter = (                 # define filter table
     'Apples (apples)',
     '(ducks) Ducks',
     '(butter) g butter',

my ($v, %varname) = ( '', () );       # variable names to be found in filter
my $varscanner = qr{\b(\S+?)\b};      # expression used to extract values
my $example = do { local$/; <DATA> }; # read the appended example text,
                                      # change <DATA> to <> for std input

for (@filter) { # iterate over filter rules, rule line will be implicit ($_)
    $v = $1 if s/\((.+)\)/$varscanner/;    # pull out variable names ->$1
    $varname{$v} = $1 if $example =~ /$_/; # pull their values from text
}                                          # by using modified regex rule $_

print map { "$_\t= $varname{$_}\n"; } keys %varname; # print what's found

An example text file:
Some text that can span some lines.
  Apples 34
  56 Ducks
Some more text.
  0.5 g butter


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