John Salerno wrote:

> So out of curiosity, I'm just wondering how everyone else came to learn
> it. If you feel like responding, I'll ask my questions for easy quoting:
> Did you have to learn it for a job?

It has never been an official requirement for any of the jobs I got
since I'm a programmer, if that's what you mean. I discovered it while
learning C++ / wxWidgets (someone talked me about Python as being pretty
good for rapid prototyping).

> Or did you just like what you saw and decided to learn it for fun?

Well, I haven't be really impressed the first time - note that it was at
the very end of the last century, with v1.5.2. But still I found the
language suprisingly simple to get up and running with - seemed like the
language was almost always reading my mind about how I would have named
a librairy, function or whatever !-) So I ended up using it more and
more when wanting to play with an idea or write a quick script... Until
I realised than it was not the toy language I first thought it was (my,
no access restrictors, not static typing, this just could not be a
serious language, could it ?-), but a fantastic application programming
language - far better than anything I had seen before (mostly 'modern'
basics, C, C++, Pascal and Java...).

> Also, how did you go about learning it? (i.e., like I described above, I
> started with the main stuff then moved on to the different available
> frameworks)

Just used it, played with it, and lurked here.

> Was there any necessity in the specifics you learned, or did you just
> dabble in something (e.g. wxPython) for fun?

I first used it for scripts, then turned to web programming (job
opportunity), so I never really went very far in GUI programming with

> Are there still some things you feel you need to learn or improve?

Yes - all and everything...

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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