In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Luis P. Mendes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm building an intranet web server in Linux for around 40 windows
>clients with Django.
>The problem is that I want to build an excel file based on criteria
>entered by the client, that the client must be able do download to his
>personal work space.  I use pyExcelerator to create the Excel files.
>How can I do it?  Do I need another excel generator?
>Client's information about its working directory should be read, but
>how?  I could only find the way to read the server environment
>variables, where data is processed.
We do a lot of this--dynamic construction on the server-side of
Excel documents, delivered as Web pages.  My impression is that
you're working too hard:  don't bother worrying about where "the
client's workspace" is; just let the browser manage all that.
Browsers are adequate or better at downloading.

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