On 6/18/06, Stan Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've been trying to use Eclipse with Python on Linux for a
while and have noticed something odd.  After running the
code or debugging a few times, its responsiveness gets
really bad.  Upon checking the equivalent of the task
manager, I find several instances of Python running.  When I
kill these instances, the responsiveness comes back.  I'm
not sure if there is a better place to post this, but it is
Python related.  Is this just an issue with Eclipse or is
there something else I should inspect?

If you're using pydev, the problem might be that you have PyLint enabled. Having it enabled might have the effect of spawning several shells for doing code-analysis. You can try disabling it or using pydev extensions that gives you a faster code-analysis. You might also restrict the number of shells that PyDev can spawn at a given time in the pylint preferences (if that's not it, please report it as a bug in the pydev tracker at sourceforge, so that we can check other possibilities -- https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=85796&atid=577329).



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