I take it that it's not worth listening to that tutorial and just using good old "import from", which I suspect is better anyway since it imports less...

"uneducated premature optimisation" - I take it this is insulting a that programmer's progexuality...!

"import from" it is then unless anybody has anything else to say on the matter.



On 20/06/06, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hari Sekhon wrote:

> What is the difference in terms of efficiency and speed between
> from os import path
> and
> import os
> path=os.path

the only difference is that the former only sets the "path" variable, while the
latter leaves both "os" and "path" in your namespace.

> I would think that the import from would be better, just curious since I
> read somewhere on the web, some guy's code tutorial where he did the
> latter and said it was for efficiency/speed.

sounds like "uneducated premature optimization" to me.




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