Rob Thorpe wrote:
> Chris Smith wrote:
> > Torben Ægidius Mogensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > That's not really the difference between static and dynamic typing.
> > > Static typing means that there exist a typing at compile-time that
> > > guarantess against run-time type violations.  Dynamic typing means
> > > that such violations are detected at run-time.  This is orthogonal to
> > > strong versus weak typing, which is about whether such violations are
> > > detected at all.  The archetypal weakly typed language is machine code
> > > -- you can happily load a floating point value from memory, add it to
> > > a string pointer and jump to the resulting value.  ML and Scheme are
> > > both strongly typed, but one is statically typed and the other
> > > dynamically typed.
> >
> > Knowing that it'll cause a lot of strenuous objection, I'll nevertheless
> > interject my plea not to abuse the word "type" with a phrase like
> > "dynamically typed".  If anyone considers "untyped" to be perjorative,
> > as some people apparently do, then I'll note that another common term is
> > "type-free," which is marketing-approved but doesn't carry the
> > misleading connotations of "dynamically typed."  We are quickly losing
> > any rational meaning whatsoever to the word "type," and that's quite a
> > shame.
> I don't think dynamic typing is that nebulous.  I remember this being
> discussed elsewhere some time ago, I'll post the same reply I did then
> ..
> A language is statically typed if a variable has a property - called
> it's type - attached to it, and given it's type it can only represent
> values defined by a certain class.
> A language is latently typed if a value has a property - called it's
> type - attached to it, and given it's type it can only represent values
> defined by a certain class.
> Some people use dynamic typing as a word for latent typing, others use
> it to mean something slightly different.  But for most purposes the
> definition above works for dynamic typing also.
> Untyped and type-free mean something else: they mean no type checking
> is done.

Since people have found some holes in this definition I'll have another

Firstly, a definition, General expression (gexpr) are variables
(mutable or immutable), expressions and the entities functions return.

A statically typed language has a parameter associated with each gexpr
called it's type.  The code may test the type of a gexpr.  The language
will check if the gexprs of an operator/function have types that match
what is required, to some criteria of sufficiency. It will emit an
error/warning when they don't.  It will do so universally.

A latently typed language has a parameter associated with each value
called it's type.  The code may test the type of a value.  The language
may check if the gexprs of an operator/function have types that match
what is required, to some criteria of sufficiency.  It will not
necessarily do so universally.

An untyped language is one that does not possess either a static or
latent type system.  In an untyped language gexprs possess no type
information, and neither do values.


These definitions still have problems, they don't say anything about
languages that sit between the various categories for example.  I don't
know where HM type system would come in them.


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