Marshall wrote:
> Torben Ægidius Mogensen wrote:
>>That's not true.  ML has variables in the mathematical sense of
>>variables -- symbols that can be associated with different values at
>>different times.  What it doesn't have is mutable variables (though it
>>can get the effect of those by having variables be immutable
>>references to mutable memory locations).
> While we're on the topic of terminology, here's a pet peeve of
> mine: "immutable variable."
> immutable = can't change
> vary-able = can change
> Clearly a contradiction in terms.

But one that is at least two hundred years old [*], and so unlikely to be
fixed now.

In any case, the intent of this usage (in both mathematics and programming)
is that different *instances* of a variable can be associated with different

[*] introduced by Leibniz, according to <>,
    but that was presumably in Latin. The first use of "variable" as a noun
    recorded by the OED in written English is in 1816.

David Hopwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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