> Hi all,
> Is there a simple python function to return the list index of the
> minimum entry in a list of lists?
> ie, for   [[3,3,3,3], [3,3,3,1], [3,3,3,3]]  to return 2,4.
> Or, same question but just for a list of numbers, not a list of lists.
> Thanks,
> Josh


items = []
for x, a in enumerate(L):
        for y, b in enumerate(a):
                items.append((b, (x,y)))
x, y = min(items)[1]

You could also change this to a generator:

def f(L):
        for x, a in enumerate(L):
                for y, b in ebumerate(a):
                        yield b, (x,y)

x, y = min(f(L))[1]


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